Friday, June 15, 2012

Step #12 - Fast food? Think again!

I recently read something I hadn’t realized. After you have food from a fast food restaurant you end up surrounded by garbage. And not 1 or 2 pieces….A PILE of garbage. Think about it.

About 80 percent of marine plastic pollution comes from the land. Clean Water Action (CWA) found that the biggest source with 49% of litter comes from fast food. According to the CWA the five most significant sources were McDonalds, Burger King, Seven Eleven, Starbucks and Wendy’s. Currently there are no federal laws or regulations aimed at getting fast food chains to reduce, reuse or recycle their waste. Besides this, consumption of fast food on a regular basis leads to many health hazards. It is loaded with fats, sugars, high levels of sodium and lacks of fiber and essential nutrients. Furthermore recent scientific studies show that this type of food reconfigures hormones in the body, so you carve more of that food. So the more you eat it the more you want it. At the end the unhealthiness of the food is reflected in obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes….and the list goes on and on..

So next time your option is fast food, just think again. There might be a better, healthier, more nutritional option that could produce less (or no) waste.


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